Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mama

Here she is, as I often think of her.  This photograph was taken before I was born, by the poet William Stafford.  He was good at seeing people, and though I didn't know her yet, this seems like one of the truest pictures I have of her.  Gentle, happy, big kind eyes full of intelligence, alert to all around her,  busy with her hands.
It was my grandma who taught me to sew, but my mama taught me to embroider and to pursue all the other sundry arts I have explored.  Here is some embroidery she laid aside years ago that I recently came across.  She bellydanced throughout my childhood, and created incredible dresses embroidered with mirrors.  The patience and artistry that went into those projects blows my mind.  I wish I had them on hand to photograph.
Her most recent art has been watercolor.  These beautiful cloud studies hang over our kitchen table.  I am amazed by her art, and how much she has learned in a couple of years since she took this up.  It's very brave to launch into an art form that you don't know much about; it scares me a great deal, actually, but she jumps in and learns.

Of course there are many many other things I admire about her.  She is the most brilliant person I know, and she taught me to be loving, and kind, and to be who I am in the world.  
And she also filled my life, and continues to fill it, with magic objects.  These little bits (chair the size of a quarter) are always passing from her hands to mine.  They are rich with family history, with beauty, with meaning.  She taught me to look for beauty and story in the objects that surround me, and I feel deeply blessed with this knowledge and with my love for her.  


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Jean, the godgrandma to my baby.

  2. I'm so honored to appear on this creative and charming blog. And you said such kind and wonderful things! I cried. I knew the moment I first looked into your eyes that I was the luckiest woman on earth because I'd just been given the best gift possible--you. Thank you for the pictures and loving words, but , most of all,thank you for being such a lovely daughter.

  3. can I hop on the mama-Jean train? I love you too! Both of you!

  4. Jean, you are the best mother-in-law a son-in-law could ask for! And you raised my best love and for that you deserve the highest praise. spm

  5. I myself, feel blessed to know such a wise and creative woman ~ love from Sue Bee...have a fun time !
